Friendly projects

pulsating cartography
An open digital platform for finding self-organized initiatives and projects and building connections.

Pulsating cartography of the alternative political/social/cultural landscape as a decentralized matrix of self-organized spaces/projects/ intensities. Map of libertarian/ independent initiatives, movements, clusters of interests.

The main goal: to be visible to each other, escaping the centralizing and overcoding apparatuses of power. Open project activity and potentiality of social/cultural transformations.

music zine-bar
Zine / feast / karaoke / songbook / cookbook is the result of our research, built on horizontal connections and personal sympathies. We turned primarily to girlfriends, girlfriends of girlfriends, acquaintances of girlfriends, to those whose music we love and listen to.

Twelve groups from different cities of Russia and Ukraine told about their experience, shared recipes for their favorite drinks and lyrics of their songs. All these groups work with the topic of women’s or queer rights in one way or another.

Talked with groups: Anna Isakhanyan, Masha Aleksandrova, Nadya Valetskaya, Nadya Rybka (TO “Nadenka”) and Daria Orlova. Design: Alena Saloedova (skooka). Website: Dasha Sh.

Magic Institute of Feminist Research
There are vanishingly few real institutions for gender studies in the post-Soviet space. In the 1990s, the institutionalization of gender studies was in full swing here, but by the 2000s and 2010s, not a trace of many organizations remained. In today's environment, we cannot create a new center for feminist research, but we can imagine it! And build a website for it. Just imagine: an institute where post-Soviet feminist researchers work together! It's definitely magical!

Editor: Daria Yuriychuk. Design: Katya Pyslar. Website: Alisa Kibin. Video: Anna Engelhardt.

Financial support