Social Entrepreneruship for SDGs
Sustainable Development Lab is capacity building and exchange program for social entrepreneurs and other civil society actors from Germany, Belarus, Moldova, Russia and Ukraine. The program is aimed at social, environmental and civic changes for sustainable development, especially tackling inequalities (SDG10), promoting innovation and digitalization for better education (SDG4 and SDG9), raising awareness for responsible consumption, fair and organic production (SDG12 and SDG13), preventing discrimination, human rights violations and increasing transparency of state programs and institutions (SDG16), building partnerships with business, research institutions and civil society organizations for Sustainable development goals (SDG17). Participants get know and discuss best practices and social innovation, learn and share their experience on ideation, pitching, fundraising, storytelling, social marketing, and developing international partnerships. We will visit most-promising social enterprises and civil society initiatives in Germany and Eastern Europe and get know innovative approaches on inclusion, digital instruments for better education, responsible consumption, fair and organic production, antidiscrimination campaigning, preventing human rights violations and boosting international cooperation.
What we do
  • Workshops, consulting and trainings on solutions for SDGs by the means of social entrepreneurship
  • Study visits and summer school in Germany
  • SDG Accelerator for international cooperation and partnerships (SDG17)
  • Analytics and policy papers on results and approaches for achieving SDGs
We invite social entrepreneurs, innovators, experts, media and other civil society actors from Germany, Belarus, Moldova, Russia and Ukraine to apply for capacity building and exchange program. Applicants must provide social, political or environmental engagement, innovative approach and own expertise.
Preliminary program 2020-2021
  • March 2020: Call for partnerships
  • March-October: workshops, consultations and partner events
  • May 2020: publication and presentation of the first shadow report on achieving SDGs in Russia
  • June 2020: Social business forum on inclusion in Minsk
  • August 2020: Ideas Festival in Odessa
  • September 2020: Festival for organic producers Yarmareco in Chișinău
  • October 2020: Study visit for partners in Germany
  • November 2020: Call for applications: SDG Accelerator and joint events in 2021
  • January-October 2021: Partner events and SDG Accelerator – boosting international cooperation and partnerships
  • July 2021: Summer School for Sustainable Development in Berlin
  • November 2021: Publication and Presentation of SDG shadow reports in Belarus, Moldova and Ukraine
Partnership and Joint events
The program is initiated by the Berlin based NGO Dekabristen e.V. and takes place in cooperation with Center for Sustainable Development: dvor, Social Entrepreneurship Network Deutschland (SEND e.V.), Impact Hub Odessa and Ukrainian Catholic University in Lviv, ODB Brussels in Minsk, Impact Hub Moscow and in Russia and Ecovisio in Moldova. Sustainable Development Lab is a part of the Eastern Partnership Program and is financed by German Federal Foreign Office.

We are open for new partnerships with educational, research, business and civil society actors. Please apply your project idea for cooperation and joint events by filling in the form below.
Financial Support
Sustainable Development Lab is a part of the Eastern Partnership Program and is financed by German Federal Foreign Office.