We invite you to be part of the Global Week to Act for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 2021, which will take place from 17-28 September.
The Global Week to Act4SDGs is a global civil society initiative uniting people across the world. The aim is to mobilize people to take individual and collective action and to support the progress towards the Agenda 2030, the universal plan to create a better world by 2030, by ending poverty, fighting inequality and addressing the urgency of climate change.
The three main directions for action are:
  • Communicate
    Raise awareness of SDG issues and get informed
  • Advocate
    Raise your voice and hold leaders to account
  • Activate
    Organize an (online) event and mobilize your community to take direct action for the Goals
Apply now with your idea to take action for SDGs with an online campaign or a regional event and receive a microgrant up to 1.000 EUR. The deadline for application is July 1st for ideas from Belarus, Moldova and Ukraine. Ideas from Russia can be submitted until July 15th.
Who can participate?
Organizations and individuals from all sectors of civil society from Belarus, Moldova, Russia, and Ukraine can apply for a microgrant and contribute to the Global Week to Act4SDGs.
How can you take action?
We can support both local events and online activities that support one or more SDGs. Local events have to meet local safety requirements for COVID-19. You can organize, for example, a city tour in support of the SDGs, an outdoor exhibit, or a neighbourhood cleanup, but also indoor activities according to COVID-19 safety requirements.
How can you apply?
For ideas from Belarus, Moldova or Ukraine: Submit your application until July 1, 10:00 Minsk, Chisinau, Kyiv time. The best ideas will be invited to be presented on July 8th.

For ideas from Russia: Submit your application until July 15th, 10:00 Moscow time. The best ideas will be invited to be presented on July 22nd. Microgrants for Russian participants are provided by Friedrich Ebert Foundation Moscow.

Also register for the open webinar on June 28th, 15:00 Minsk, Chisinau, Moscow, Kyiv time to learn about the Global Week to Act4SDGs and how to pitch your idea in order to win a microgrant. Participation in the webinar is strongly recommended!
June 28th
Open webinar on SDG actions and pitching training
July 1st
Deadline for application for ideas from Belarus, Moldova and Ukraine
July 8th
Pitches for microgrants for participants from Belarus, Moldova and Ukraine
July 15th
Deadline for application for ideas from Russia
July 22nd
Pitches for microgrants for participants from Russia
September 17 - 28
Global Week to Act4SDGs
Until October 15th
Publication of project results

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