Participants of the residence: Stanislav Bogdevich (Smargon), Dmitry Pilipiv (Brest), Varvara Sudnik (Minsk), Alexandra Rybalko (Minsk), Timofey Evseev (St. Petersburg), Pavel Bulgakov (Moscow), Ekaterina Bondar ( Moscow), Nadya Sayapina (Minsk), Elena Aharelysheva (Minsk), Kirill Horoshko (Minsk), Olga Palunisa (Molodechno), Julia Romanyuk (Brest).
Coordinators: Grigory Tserentsyeu (Brest), Konstantin Chukalau (Molodechno), Victoria Kravtsova (Berlin).
Curator: Bazinato (Molodechno).
The residence ended with a
festival where one could see the works done during the residence, take part in discussions and master classes from the participants of the residence, mysa.bag and drawbrest, listen to the performances of Lepestok and Mustelide and watch films from the "Planetary" film festival. More information about the residence can be read in
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