The program for social entrepreneurs, innovators and representatives of civil society in Russia. Innovate for Change 2020 includes webinars, consultations, training in Berlin, study tours to social enterprises in Russian regions and support.
About the programm
Innovate for Change is a capacity building program for social entrepreneurs, innovators and civil society actors. We invite alumni of the SOIN programs from Russia to participate in both online and offline seminars and apply own micro-projects and events focusing on innovative solutions for societal, civic, environmental challenges, especially human rights, civic education, inclusion and sustainable development issues.
Participants will take part in workshops on project design and management, fundraising instruments and cooperation on local level and thus learn how to expand the reach of their current work. Up to five applicants will receive support for seminars, public events, educational meetings, study visits or other measures in Russian regions.
1-15 June
Selection of participants
15 June-31 July
Online Training, pitching and approval of projects
Project implementation in Russian regions
Training in Berlin (exact dates will be released later)
Call for applications
Until 15 December
Publication of project results
Contact us
+49 30 284 22739
SOIN network / c.o. Dekabristen e.V. Ahlbecker Str. 3, 10437 Berlin